Scratch for Kids

A Watch the course on Frontend Masters

The Basics Of The Pen Tool

In addition to working with sprites, Scratch also has an extension called Pen. This super cool because it allows you have complete control of how you draw graphics. You can choose to use it to create games or you can use to make art with code.

when green flag clicked
erase all
go to x: [-40] y: [0]
set pen size to [5]
set pen color to [#F00]
pen down
go to x: [40] y: [0]

We can also adjust the pen color.

when green flag clicked
erase all
set pen size to [10]
set pen color to [#F00]
go to x: [-40] y: [0]
pen down
repeat [100]
	move [1] steps
	change pen [color v] by [1]
pen up

This code will end up with result below.

A Bigger Rainbow

when green flag clicked
pen up
set pen size to [10 v]
set pen color to [#F00]
go to x: [-240] y: [-180]
repeat until <(y position) < [-179]>
	pen down
	repeat until <(x position) > [240]>
		move (pen size) steps
		change pen (color v) by [1]
	pen up
	set x to [-240]
	change y by ([0] - (pen size))