Scratch for Kids

A Watch the course on Frontend Masters

Using A Custom Block To Fix Our Landing

Credit: This mechanic was inspired by this amazing series by griffpatch.

Falling Without Falling Through the Ground

Okay, so we’re going to start with our falling mechanic again. We’re going to create a variable called velocity y. And we’ll put a game loop in having our character call until it reaches the color of the ground.

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    change y by (velocity y)
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set [velocity y v] to [0]

So, we still have that issue where we fall through the floor, but this time, we can’t just hard-code in a y value for where the floor is because there could be more than one floor.

We need a new approach. Make a new block called fix landing and make sure that you check Run without screen refresh.

Run without screen refresh

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    change y by (velocity y)
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        fix landing::custom // This will run without a refresh.

define fix landing
repeat until <not <touching color [#63a1ff]?>>
    change y by (1) // Inch back up until we're not touching the ground anymore.
set [velocity y v] to [0]

Putting the Jumping Motion Back In

Putting the jumping motion back in is prertty straight forward at this point.

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
    if <key [space v] pressed?> then
        set [velocity y v] to [10]
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    change y by (velocity y)
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        fix landing::custom

define fix landing
repeat until <not <touching color [#63a1ff]?>>
    change y by (1)
set [velocity y v] to [0]

Improving Our Block

This works, but it’s not perfect in a lot of ways. We keep inching our hero up. Here is the plan:

  • Instead of letting Scratch move the character 10 steps, we’re going to write a block that moves the character slowly.
  • It will keep track of the last position that it moved the character to.
  • If on the next movement, we’ve gone too far,
  • then move it back to the last position known to be good,
  • set velocity y to 0,
  • and be done with it.

Let’s see how that looks in code.

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
go to x: (-195) y: (-94)
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    if <key [space v] pressed?> then
        set [velocity y v] to [10]
    move steps ([abs v] of (velocity y)::operators)::custom // We want to divide by a positive number, even if we're going down.

define move steps (steps)
repeat (steps::custom)
    set [last y v] to (y position) // Keep track of where we just was.
    change y by ((velocity y) / (steps::custom)) // Break it apart unto the total number of steps.
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set y to (last y) // Go back to the last known good place.
        set [velocity y v] to [0] // End the jumping.

Moving Left and Right

Okay, this is similar to what we did earlier, but it’s going to be a bit more problematic this time.

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
set [velocity x v] to [0] // Return the x movement to 0.
go to x: (-195) y: (-94)
    set [velocity x v] to ((velocity x) * (0.8)) // Slow it down every tick.
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    if <key [space v] pressed?> then
        set [velocity y v] to [10]
    if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
        change [velocity x v] by (1.5) // Start propelling them right.
    if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
        change [velocity x v] by (-1.5) // Start propelling them left.
    change x by (velocity x) // Move them.
    move steps ([abs v] of (velocity y)::operators)::custom

define move steps (steps)
repeat (steps::custom)
    set [last y v] to (y position)
    change y by ((velocity y) / (steps::custom))
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set y to (last y)
        set [velocity y v] to [0]

Our hero is going to end up going through the walls. We need something similar here.

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
set [velocity x v] to [0]
go to x: (-195) y: (-94)
    set [velocity x v] to ((velocity x) * (0.8))
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    if <key [space v] pressed?> then
        set [velocity y v] to [10]
    if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
        change [velocity x v] by (1.5)
    if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
        change [velocity x v] by (-1.5)
    move steps (([abs v] of (velocity y)::operators) + ([abs v] of (velocity x) ::operators))::custom // We need the total number of steps both horizontal and vertical.

define move steps (steps)
repeat (steps::custom)
    set [last x v] to (x position) // Make sure you do all of the horizontal movement first.
    change x by ((velocity x) / (steps::custom))
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set x to (last x)
        set [velocity x v] to [0]
    set [last y v] to (y position)
    change y by ((velocity y) / (steps::custom))
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set y to (last y)
        set [velocity y v] to [0]

Okay, now things are a lot more smooth.

Removing the Ability to Jump While Jumping

This isn’t Kirby.

when @greenFlag clicked
set [velocity y v] to [0]
set [velocity x v] to [0]
go to x: (-195) y: (-94)
    set [velocity x v] to ((velocity x) * (0.8))
    change [velocity y v] by (-1)
    if <key [space v] pressed?> then
        if <(jumping) = [0]> then // Make sure we're not already jumping.
            set [velocity y v] to [15]
            set [jumping v] to [1] // Say that we're currently jumping.
    if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
        change [velocity x v] by (1.5)
    if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
        change [velocity x v] by (-1.5)
    move steps (([abs v] of (velocity y)::operators) + ([abs v] of (velocity x)::operators))::custom

define move steps (steps)
repeat (steps::custom)
    set [last x v] to (x position)
    change x by ((velocity x) / (steps::custom))
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set x to (last x)
        set [velocity x v] to [0]
    set [last y v] to (y position)
    change y by ((velocity y) / (steps::custom))
    if <touching color [#63a1ff]?> then
        set y to (last y)
        set [jumping v] to [0] // Say that we've landing on solid ground.
        set [velocity y v] to [0]

Here is what it looks like now.